These customized programs are designed for analyzing abf data files. wdetecta is a spontaneous PSC detector that will read an abf file and output a scan (@) [Strathclyde Electrophysiology Software] file with each detected event in an individual sweep. It needs ABFIO.dll to be able to open pClamp CLAMPEX data files. wscnselect is a spontaneous event filter, that will take the scan file from above and based on predetermined criteria, select a subset of events and export them to an episodic abf file. wgn is a white gaussian noise generator useful for making templates to read into clampex for stimulus waveforms. It can make noisy waves, periodic waves, repetitive short pulse trains, and even chirps. Thinscnw takes a text file and combines adjacent rows into local means. Useful for take spontaneous PSC event files and converting them into binned (e.g. every 5 seconds) local means for amplitude, frequency,etc. wcombine will combine two or more abf files in interesting ways. wspike will measure action potentials from intracellular or extracellular records, and provide some statistics (f/I, etc). tdtlfp is a set of matlab scripts that will do local field potential analyis on the output of TDT files and is designed to be used with neuronexus multi shank linear probes. It will calculate CSD and plot it as a series of channel specific traces, along with an interpolated contour plot representation. wnlxabf.exe is a file converter that will take Neuralynx continous data files (*.ncs) and convert them to single channel gap free abf v1.8 data files.